Web Design

5 Reasons every small business needs a website

Your business likely isn’t performing as well as it could and that’s down to your oversight. It’s understandable, you’re a busy person who has to juggle the day to day running of your business with its finance, operations, logistics and much much more. 

But what potential growth and profit are you missing out on? 

What have you already missed out on?

If recent events have taught us anything, it’s that it is now more important than ever to ensure that you have a strong online presence in order to fulfill your customers needs from a remote location. A social media presence alone isn’t enough these days. A website is often the first point of contact that a customer has with you. 

This article will help you to understand the potential for growth that a website can offer and advise you on the next steps you should take. 

1.) Save time + make you more money 

A website is an investment, and a sound one at that. Yes it costs money, but what most small business owners don’t understand is that the return on investment can be huge if you are led by experts. Think about all the time you spend trying to nurture leads or asking for referrals. What if your website could bring you organic traffic with little to no effort on your side? It’s a no brainer right? 

You likely waste hours every week responding to queries that could be answered by your website – thus freeing your time up to further grow your business and see a return on the investment you’ve made. Partner with digital experts, optimise your website and online presence and you’re sure to see your business grow.

2.) Your business is never closed.

Imagine, you’re wanting to buy a tv bracket for your home. What’s the first thing you do? You search for ‘Tv Bracket’ in a search engine. You’re completely agnostic as to which one you buy as long as it does the job. You proceed to click on the first website you see to look for how large it is, how long it takes to ship, what colours are available etc but the information is taking too long to find. What’s your response to this? You click off the website and go to the next one. The modern age is all about instant gratification and you MUST be able to offer this to potential customers through good web design and strong product information or you will lose them. 

In today’s world of information, if a potential customer can’t find the information they’re looking for within seconds they will switch off and look elsewhere. Without having a fully optimised, readily available website to provide such information you could be losing copious amounts of business. 

3.) Wider reach 

You are not attracting as many customers as you could. Less customers = less revenue. Whether you’re a simple brick & mortar store with no online presence, or you have a social media following of 50,000 – without an optimised website you’re alienating a large pool of potential customers. Not everyone has social media. Not everyone can walk on down to your store. 

But it is not just enough to be present on every channel. You wouldn’t have a brick & mortar store without making the entrance clear and obvious. You wouldn’t make your social media page private would you? The same goes for your website – it must be attractive, informative, user friendly and optimised for potential customers to be able to find it. Once you do this and have optimised all of your outreach – you’ve put yourself in the best position to grow. 

4.) Improve customer satisfaction

You may currently have a strong social media presence and that’s it. That’s brilliant because you can respond to customer queries when they send them in and you can interact with them. But what about when you’re sleeping? What about when you have a life event you can’t miss? What if a potential customer is on a social media cleanse – how do they interact with you? By having a great website – the majority of questions a customer has can be answered with 0 real time input from you. This not only provides a customer with more visibility of what your business is about – it also improves their satisfaction with the service you’re providing by giving them access to more information to browse at their own leisure. And as we know – information is everything.

5.) Futureproofing

You’re a busy person – you don’t have time to waste on technology and besides – who cares? You’re making good money for what you do. All of that may be correct, but what happens to businesses who don’t futureproof themselves? Take Blockbuster as your prime example – I know, I know, Cliche right? But it’s talked about for good reason. A pillar of the industry that quickly became redundant as a result of their arrogance. Blockbuster failed to future proof their business model by refusing to pivot into a digital model as they believed they were too successful to fail. Next came the rise of Netflix and we all know how that story has developed.  

You need to keep on top of technology and ensure you’re ahead of the curve no matter how well you may be doing right now. Remember that your competition will be doing everything to get ahead. Website? Check. Social Media? Check. Digital marketing? Check. PPC and SEO? Check. 

By investing in a top website with a good digital partner who understands your vision you will be futureproofing your business and ensuring that you don’t end up like Blockbuster.

If any of this has resonated with you and you think a new website would help your business stay relevant and take that next step on the ever evolving journey to digital maturity then please get in contact with us.